Important for all PSH (Permanent Supporting Housing) Projects Applying for funding in the FY2014 NOFA Competition:

In the FY2013 NOFA Competition the MCoC stated that it would prioritize non-dedicated PSH beds for use by persons experiencing chronic homelessness in 100% of all projects. Further, project applicants for CoC Program-funded PSH had to indicate the number of non-dedicated beds that would be prioritized for use by persons experiencing chronic homelessness.

Prioritization means implementing an admissions preference for chronically homeless persons for CoC Program-funded PSH beds. All recipients of CoC Program-funded PSH are encouraged to prioritize the chronically homeless as beds become vacant to the maximum extent practicable. CoCs will be expected to meet or exceed the goals established in the FY 2013/FY 2014 CoC Application and should continue to prioritize persons experiencing chronic homelessness in their CoC Program-funded PSH until there are no persons within the CoC’s geographic area who meet that criteria.

For the FY 2014 portion of the FY 2013-FY 2014 CoC Program Competition, CoCs will be required to attach a list of all projects within the CoC that will contribute towards meeting this goal, using this template:


All MCoC funded PSH projects are asked to complete and submit the template above when they submit the PDF version of their submitted e-snaps application by October 15, 2014 at 3:00 pm to the Project Committee as described in an e-mail today from Heather Lea, one of the Project Committee Chairs.

A PSH bed is considered to be prioritized  when a project implements an admissions preference for chronically homeless persons in a percentage of beds as they become available for turnover. For prioritization, the commitment is at the project level and not on a specific bed. CoCs and project applicants will estimate the number of prioritized PSH beds based on the expected number of turnover beds within a project and what percentage of those beds the project plans to prioritize.

For more information, please contact the Project Committee Chairs and refer to the document below for additional information:
