MaineHousing Consolidated Plan and Fair Housing Analysis – Information, Listening Sessions, Surveys

The Maine Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development directs the uses of certain federal funds and identifies affordable housing and community development needs. The Fair Housing Analysis identifies obstacles and impediments to equal access to housing opportunities. More information is available in the attached PowerPoint, at the link, below, or by attending one of … Continue reading MaineHousing Consolidated Plan and Fair Housing Analysis – Information, Listening Sessions, Surveys

MaineHousing Homeless Rule

From Cindy Namer, Director of Homeless Initiatives at MaineHousing: Good Afternoon, As discussed at the various stakeholder meetings, Statewide Homeless and Regional Homeless Councils, MaineHousing will be amending the Homeless Rule and has begun the Rulemaking process. The process will include distributing three separate documents that cover sections of the Rule that we will be … Continue reading MaineHousing Homeless Rule