This is a reminder that the Statewide Homeless Council will be meeting on Tuesday, January 9th, 2018 from 9:30 to 2:00 at MaineHousing, 353 Water Street in Augusta. There is also a call in option for those not able to attend in person. Please see the Agenda for details. Other materials that will be discussed at the meeting are also posted below. Minutes from December will be posted once approved.

SHC Agenda 1.9.18

DRAFT SHC Minutes 11-14-17

State and Federal Legislation Update 12.26.17

SHC Annual Goals with outcomes for 2017 1.3.17

Prioritization Chart for Serving Homeless Populations in Maine – Working SHC Version for 2018 11.14.17

2018 Action Plan Comments – Final

PPH Op Ed-It’s the season to house people experiencing homelessness 12.29.17

Policy Proposal Stabilizing People Homeless with Substance Use Disorder 12.12.17


SHC Feedback on the Federal Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness 12.12.17