The CPD Office would like to invite you to a discussion about strengthening your CoC’s ability to end homelessness. The goal of the meeting is to provide a forum with all the partners to hear from CoC’s about different Coordinated Entry models, prioritization of Youth Homelessness, and strategies for partnering with Public Housing Authorities as well as discuss last year’s NOFA process. You will be given an opportunity to learn and ask questions from your peers, the SNAPS Office, your CPD representatives, and PIH. Please take note that the discussion around partnering with Public Housing will occur in the afternoon, but PHA’s are encouraged to attend the morning presentations to develop a better understanding of CoC efforts and strategies towards ending homelessness. Communities that have been most successful in working toward ending homelessness are those where PHAs are working directly with homeless service providers, the local CoC, and local VA officials. Understanding more about CoCs and their services means PHAs can better identify partnership opportunities, taking into account not only benefits to the CoC but also the PHA.

Agenda and additional supporting materials will be provided in advance of the meeting.

*Please RSVP to  no later than February 25th for the March Session and March 22nd for the April Session by responding to this email and indicating which meeting you will attend and the number of people.
*Also, feel free to share this message with anyone who may have been inadvertently omitted from the list of recipients.


Please join us from
9:30 AM- 3:00 PM
Thursday, March 10th
Fred H. Brown Building
129 Pleasant St.
Concord, NH 03301
Tuesday, April 5th
T.P. O’Neill Jr. Federal Building
10 Causeway Street
Boston, MA 02222
(1st Floor-Auditorium)