Register Today: Sage Guidance for ESG Recipients and Subrecipients Webinars


ESG Recipient Webinar

HUD will train ESG recipients (jurisdictions that receive an ESG award directly from HUD) on October 16, 2017 from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT. The webinar will review:

  • How to register for Sage
  • How to navigate Sage
  • How to upload the ESG CAPER report
  • Data flow from HMIS to Sage
  • Data entry in the eCon Planning Suite
  • Coordination with subrecipients

ESG Subrecipient Webinar

HUD will train ESG Subrecipients (homeless providers that receive ESG funding from a jurisdiction (State, Territory, County or City) on October 19, 2017 from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT. The webinar will review:

  • How to upload the ESG CAPER report
  • Data flow from HMIS to Sage
  • Common data errors and how to resolve them
  • Coordination with recipients

Schedule of Training Deliveries

Title Date Registration Link
Sage Guidance for ESG Recipients Webinar October 16, 2017
2:00 – 3:00 PM EDT
Register Now
Sage Guidance for ESG Subrecipients Webinar October 19, 2017
3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT
Register Now

Hosted By:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Training Point of Contact

Thuan Huynh | 301.347.5841 |

Registering for the Sage Guidance for ESG Recipients or Subrecipients Webinar

Access the registration page using the link listed below and then select Register Now on the right side of the page

If you have not yet registered for an HUD Exchange account:

Create an Account on the HUD Exchange

  1. Go to the HUD Exchange (
  2. Click Login (at the upper right).
  3. Click Create an Account.
  4. Fill out the form, and click the Create Account button.
    Your account has been created. You will receive a confirmation email.

If you have already registered for an HUD Exchange account:

  1. Enter your Username and Password; select Log in.
  2. If prompted to fill out additional information, please do so, and select Update.
  3. You will be brought directly to the course detail page in HUD Exchange.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the class name and location and then select Enroll in this Class.

If you are unsure if you have an HUD Exchange account:

  • Go to the HUD Exchange Login page, and enter your email address into the field: Forget Username or Password?
  • If a username for that email address already exists, you will receive an email with a temporary password that you can use to follow the steps above. If not, you’ll receive an error message.

Additional Instructions

To find out more information about upcoming trainings and access materials from previously held trainings, go to HUD Exchange Trainings.