It had previously been announced that we would be holding the elections for both available Tri-Chair positions at the same time. Upon further reflection, feedback from members, and examination of our governance it has become clear that we need to hold two separate elections, rather than try to conduct them concurrently. The first will be the ‘Regular’ election for a three year term for the seat currently held by Awa. The second will be the ‘Special’ election to fulfill the remaining two years of the term for the seat being vacated by Norm.

We have four Nominees. Initially, all were nominated for both seats, with the intent that the candidate with the most votes would win the three year term, and the candidate with the next highest vote count would win the other seat. In light of the shift to two separate elections we have asked the Nominees to let us know if they wish to be in the running for the Regular election (three year term) – or the Special election (two years) – or for both. We will then proceed accordingly, asking the eligible voting member agencies (as previously posted) to vote on the candidates running for the Regular three year term. The winner of the Regular election will be announced, and we will then proceed to the Special election, again, asking the eligible voting members to vote on the candidates running for that position (the winner of Regular election will not be in the running for the Special election).

We still hope to accomplish all of this prior to our next full MCOC meeting on December 15, 2022.