The Maine Continuum of Care has three Tri-Chairs, each elected to serve a three year term on a rotating basis. Typically, this means we have one seat up for election at the end of each year. The seat currently held by Vickey Merrill is up for election. Vickey has expressed interest in continuing to serve as a Tri-Chair, but nominations are open to everyone. MCOC is now accepting nominations to fill that seat. 

If you would like to nominate someone, please check with them to be sure they are willing and able to take on this responsibility. You may also nominate yourself (please be sure you are willing and able to take on this responsibility). Nominees should be individuals with knowledge of and interest in the work of the Maine Continuum of Care.

Nominations must be sent via email to Scott Tibbitts (), Betty LaBua (), Erin Kelly (), and Awa Conteh ( ) no later than 5:00 p.m. on 12/19/23. Names of nominees, and who nominated them, will be announced at the CoC meeting on 12/21/23.

If there are multiple nominations, we will ask the candidates to submit a brief written summary (limit of 2000 characters, including spaces and punctuation) of their background, capacity, and interest in the position. These will be posted prior to the vote to give members a chance to learn a bit more about the candidates. Voting will be conducted electronically prior to the January 25, 2024 MCOC meeting so that the winner can be announced at that time.

Only Eligible Voting Members may vote in the elections. Each agency/entity may only cast one vote, regardless of how many people from that agency/entity regularly attend meetings. If your agency/entity has several MCOC attendees, you must decide which one will vote. In order to be considered an Eligible Voting Member an agency/entity must have attended at least 6 of the previous 12 full MCOC Meetings. Attendance is tracked by agency/entity, not by individual, unless an individual attends on their own behalf and is not associated with any agency/entity otherwise represented.

A list of all Eligible Voting Members will be posted after the Dec. 21, 2023 meeting.