This information is being provided for all Projects that are receiving funding through the Maine Continuum of Care.

Dear MCOC Project,

This is a reminder that all monitoring materials for your project(s) must be submitted to the MCOC Project Monitoring Committee within 30 days of submitting your annual performance report (APR) in Sage.  Thirty Days ends at midnight on the 30th day. Non-compliance in meeting the 30-day deadline will lead to your project losing points for being late.  Since the HMIS letter grade report is under review, projects are not required to submit that document at this time.

The following materials are required for monitoring:

  1. A completed monitoring form (attached below)
  2. A copy of the project’s Sage APR (that was not submitted for the 2018 NOFA)
  3. A copy of the project’s HMIS COC-APR – from ServicePoint
  4. A copy of your Esnaps project application corresponding to the APR submitted for monitoring

Please send your monitoring materials to:

Michael Shaughnessy (mshaughnessy (at)

Thank you.

MCOC Monitoring Form Finalized 11.16