The Maine Continuum of Care would like to thank all Applicants for the tremendous effort that went into preparing and submitting their applications. All New and Renewal Project Applications were reviewed, scored, and ranked by the Selection Committee (except YHDP and Planning Project Applications, which were reviewed but not scored or ranked, per HUD instructions).  This posting is to inform all Applicants of the results of that process, outside of esnaps.

  • No Projects were Rejected or Reduced – All Project Applications will be submitted to HUD along with this year’s MCoC Application.
  • Attached are the Recommendations of the Selection Committee based on the results of the Scoring and Ranking Processes, using the tools and protocols approved by MCOC earlier this year.
  • The Recommendations will be reviewed and discussed at the MCOC meeting on Thursday, Sept. 15th, 2022.  All Project Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting.
  • MCoC reserves the right to make adjustments to Project Rankings in accordance with our approved Protocols (also attached). Ranking will be finalized and voted on at the meeting on Sept. 15th. 
  • We ask that Applicants who have concerns about the Recommendations attend the meeting on the 15th and participate in the discussion to finalize the Project Ranking. Any Applicant that is still unhappy with the results after the Rankings are finalized may follow the MCOC Appeals Process outlined in our Governance Document.

Some applicants are relatively new to this process, while others have been through this many times. In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic was HUD’s primary concern, there was no NOFO competition – HUD simply renewed all eligible Renewal Projects. In 2021, HUD provide Continuums of Care with 100% of our ARD (Annual Renewal Demand – the amount of funding needed to fully support all eligible Renewal Projects) in Tier 1, as well as funding for New Projects. This year, as they used to do in the past, HUD set Tier 1 funding at only 95% of ARD, meaning some Renewal Projects would inevitably be placed in Tier 2 of the Rankings, reminding us all that this is indeed a competition.