MCoC is pleased to announce that it has approved a process for MaineHousing to make funds available from its HUD CoC Planning Grant to assist selected MCoC members with Lived Experience of Homelessness, who may not otherwise be able to participate, to attend conferences or trainings which MCoC believes will provide valuable contributions toward Maine’s efforts to end homelessness. The number and amount provided by these scholarships will be limited based upon the availability of funds budgeted for this purpose. MCoC reserves the right to prioritize or deny assistance toward attending any given event.

For 2022, while priority will be given to applications to attend the NAEH Conference in Washington, DC this July, we understand that attendance has reached capacity at this time and registrants will be placed on a waitlist.

Maine Continuum of Care Tri-Chairs: Awa Conteh, Vickey Rand, and Norman Maze