This is a reminder that the annual Point-in-Time count is Tuesday, January 22, 2019. Below you will find information for HMIS participating agencies, agencies that do not participate in HMIS, and for Outreach efforts conducting unsheltered counts.

For HMIS Participating Agencies

All data in the HMIS for Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing and Safe Haven projects need to be reviewed to ensure that it reflects what is true on the night of January 22nd. You are required to send a signed Certification to MaineHousing by February 13, 2019. Please use the link below to review video’s on the PIT and how to run your reports.

2019 PIT Sheltered and Youth Addendum for Providers

2019 PIT Sheltered Report in HMIS

2019 Youth Addendum

In addition to your PIT Count, remember that a Youth Addendum survey needs to be completed and returned to MaineHousing by February 13th for all unaccompanied youth under the age of 25.

Via Mail to:   MaineHousing

Attn: Amanda Castner

353 Water Street

Augusta, ME 04330

2019 Housing Inventory Count Announcement 

As part of the annual Housing Inventory Count process, we ask our providers to review, verify, and update your information for each of your projects.  This includes Emergency Shelters, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven, and Permanent Housing, which includes Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-Housing projects. The HIC form has changed slightly from last year. There is a guidance document that addresses how to fill in each section of the form. This should be reviewed before submitting your certification to MaineHousing by February 13th.

  • Login to ServicePoint
  • Connect to ART
  • Public Folder
  • Housing Inventory

2019 Housing Inventory Certification Report Guide.pdf

2019 Maine Homeless Housing Inventory Certification Form

For non-HMIS Agencies and Outreach

Below you will find links to the 2019 PIT Unsheltered, Non-HMIS Participating and Youth Count video along with a link to any survey’s you will need.  The training will cover general information on the Unsheltered Street Count portion of the Point-in-Time and the data collection process for the 2019 Unsheltered Count. The video is for outreach groups, volunteers and non-HMIS participants who will be assisting in the 2019 PIT count.  Please remember that when filling out the surveys, keep all households together and complete a youth addendum survey for all unaccompanied youth under the age of 25.

For those needing surveys printed off for them ahead of time and mailed, please send me an email request no later than January 14, 2019.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact me by phone or email.

Thank you,

Amanda Castner

HMIS Application Specialist


353 Water Street

Augusta, ME 04330


Maine Relay 711