This message serves as an update to previous listserv messages from September 27th and November 1st where HUD acknowledged communities were experiencing delays in submitting required reports because of challenges with HMIS Data Standards updates In the latest message, HUD indicated if the vendor delay was preventing a recipient from submitting a timely report, they must submit as soon as practicable, which HUD estimated at that time to be December 15th.

HUD understands that, while HMIS vendors have been working diligently to address issues impacting reports, there is one vendor, WellSky, that issued a notice to their customers that they are not able to generate required reports as of today.

You are receiving this email because you have indicated in the most recent CoC application that your community uses WellSky’s software. HUD plans to treat the delay as an unforeseen circumstance beyond your control and will consider it a mitigating factor when monitoring for program compliance. Reports should be submitted to HUD as soon as practicable, once you are able to generate the report in your HMIS. Please continue to maintain records of the notification from the HMIS vendor of delays in reporting implementation.

You do not need to contact your CPD representative at this time.

If you have questions, you can e-mail .

Thank you