Today, HUD issued a notice advising recipients of ESG, CoC, YHDP, and HOPWA Program funds that they may apply for certain regulatory waivers through an expedited process to help recipients and subrecipients prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to facilitate assistance to eligible communities and households economically impacted by COVID-19. Use of the expedited waiver process only applies to waivers explicitly stated in Section D.1 of the notice.  

The notice explains the process for submitting expedited waiver requests and provides directions to recipients on how to submit requests for processing. A recipient may request a waiver of the HUD requirements listed in Section D.1 of the notice and must include a justification of why the waiver is needed. No waiver(s) requested may be implemented unless written approval from HUD has been obtained. To ensure expedited processing, recipients should reference the instructions on page 9 of the notice and should email their waiver requests to with a copy to their local field office CPD Director. Waiver requests must be received by HUD on or before July 31, 2022 to be designated for expedited processing as provided by the notice. 

Visit the CPD COVID-19 Grantee Guidance page for resources related to COVID-19 infectious disease prevention and response for CPD programs, including ESG, CoC, YHDP, and HOPWA.