The new Coordinated Entry Equity Initiative page has resources that reflect on the work done during the two cohorts of the Initiative and materials for Continuums of Care (CoCs) that are looking to better address racial inequities in their systems.

The Coordinated Entry (CE) Equity Initiative is intended to design more equitable assessment and prioritization processes to improve conditions and outcomes for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and reimagine and redesign the experiences and housing outcomes of BIPOC who interact with homeless response systems, especially those who are disproportionately represented in the system. In partnership with BIPOC, as well as people with lived expertise, CoC’s participating in the Initiative’s cohorts were to identify system disparities through analyzing local data, agree upon focus area(s), and test racially equitable Coordinated Entry System (CES) processes in service of significantly transforming the experience and housing stability of those disproportionately represented in local homeless response systems. Intentional inclusion and power-sharing with BIPOC and people with lived experience and expertise of homelessness throughout the full scope of a community’s equity efforts will maximize the value of CE Equity Resources. Equity and justice work is necessary to prevent and end homelessness. Trauma informed and person-centered approaches that support communities to minimize harm, lead with the expertise of oppressed communities, and further shared decision-making should be utilized when implementing the resources.