My name is Amanda Aykanian, and I am a researcher and professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Arlington. I am leading the National Homeless Services Workforce Survey. This is the first survey of U.S. homeless services workers in nearly 30 years! The survey seeks to understand the background, characteristics, and work experiences of people who work in the homeless services sector. This information will fill a major gap in knowledge about the workforce and its needs.
Because there is no national registry of people in the homeless services workforce, we are asking CoC lead agencies to assist us in distributing the survey to workers in their community.

Survey Link

You can also visit the study website: https://www.nhswsurvey.com/.

Below is some key information about the study.
Who Can Participate? Workers can participate if they are at least 18 years old and currently work in an agency or program that exists primarily to provide services to people experiencing homelessness or people recently housed after a period of homelessness. This includes, but is not limited to, working in outreach, shelter, transitional living, rapid rehousing, and supportive housing programs. This does not include those who work exclusively in food, clothing, or furniture/household goods provision (e.g., food banks). Participants can be full or part time employees, paid or volunteer positions, direct service or management positions, and those working in all organization types (e.g., public, private, non-profit, and faith-based).
What Does Participation Involve? Participating in this study involves completing an online survey, which will take about 20 minutes. As a thank you, participants who complete the survey have the option to enter a drawing to win one of ten $50 Amazon gift cards.
How Can You Help? As the lead agency for your community’s CoC, we are asking you to help distribute the survey to your provider networks. Distribution can take many forms and will depend on your CoC’s organizational set up and existing communication systems. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: Emailing the survey link/study website through CoC/provider network listservs Including the survey link/study website in your CoC/provider network newsletter Including the survey link/study website in agendas for CoC meetings Posting the survey link/study website on your CoC website or employee portal Survey Link
Study Website

Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation. 
Research Team
Amanda Aykanian, PhD (University of Texas at Arlington)
Jennifer Frank, PhD (Millersville University)
Karin Eyrich-Garg, PhD (Temple University)

Learn more about the research team here: https://www.nhswsurvey.com/ 
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