Congratulations Continuum of Care Applicants!

This is to inform you that both the Portland Continuum of Care and the Maine Continuum of Care Steering Committee have reviewed the summary of applications requesting funding this year.

There are NO project applications that were rejected in this year’s competition and ALL projects will be included in the Project Priority Listings that will be submitted to HUD along with each CoC’s full Application.

Further details regarding scoring and ranking results will be provided at the next full meeting of each Continuum.  PCOC will be meeting on Friday, September 2nd from 9 to 12 at 196 Lancaster St. Portland. MCOC will be holding a special full meeting (as agreed to at our last meeting) on Wednesday, September 7th from 10:00 noon,  held at the various Tandberg Locations outlined in the meeting’s agenda which will posted on prior to the meeting.