Additional info for MCOC 9-21-17

Below are details regarding some additional items that will be discussed hopefully put to a vote at tomorrow's MCOC Meeting. Project Scoring and Ranking Results All Projects were Scored using the New and Renewal Scoring Tools developed by the Project Committee and approved by the full MCOC. Projects were then Ranked according to the protocols … Continue reading Additional info for MCOC 9-21-17

MCOC Meeting September 21, 2017

This is a reminder that the Maine Continuum of Care will be meeting this Thursday, September 21, 2017, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM (maybe longer).  Please see the Agenda for details including Tandberg and call-in information. The 2017 NOFA Application deadline is September 28. This will be the last regularly scheduled full MCOC meeting prior … Continue reading MCOC Meeting September 21, 2017

MCOC Selection Results!

Congratulations Continuum of Care Applicants! This is to inform everyone that the Maine Continuum of Care Selection Committee has reviewed all New and Renewal applications requesting funding through MCOC in this year's NOFA competition and there were NO project applications rejected. ALL Project Applications are being recommended for inclusion in the MCOC Project Priority Listing … Continue reading MCOC Selection Results!

Continuum of Care Project Applications Due

This is a reminder that all New and Renewal Applications for the FY2017 Maine Continuum of Care Program Competition must be submitted in esnaps by next Wednesday, August 30, 2017 in order be included in this years scoring, ranking and selection process. If you have any questions about your application, please contact stibbitts @mainehousing. org. … Continue reading Continuum of Care Project Applications Due

Statewide Homeless Council Meeting 8-8-17

This is a reminder that the Statewide Homeless Council will be meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, from 9:30 to 2:00 at MaineHousing, 353 Water Street in Augusta. Please see the agenda for details, including a call in number for those not able to attend in person.  Minutes here are from June. July minutes will … Continue reading Statewide Homeless Council Meeting 8-8-17

2017 MCOC NOFA Information for New and Renewal Applicants

The Maine Continuum of Care is pleased to announce that we are accepting New and Renewal Project Applications for the FY2017 Continuum of Care Program Competition. Any agency that intends to submit an application for either a New or a Renewal Project must read the full NOFA announcement, and any and all additional guidance from … Continue reading 2017 MCOC NOFA Information for New and Renewal Applicants