CE Triage and Diversion “Pause”

Dear Coordinated Entry Participant, On behalf of the CE Subcommittee, after much deliberation and listening to CES partners, the CoC Board has approved a “pause” in the Triage and Diversion portion of Coordinated Entry. This pause will provide time to build a better system coupling what we learned with this experience with emerging best practices. … Continue reading CE Triage and Diversion “Pause”

MCOC Tri-Chair Election – Call for VOTES!

The Maine Continuum of Care is electing a new Tri-Chair to serve a three year term of office. There are two excellent candidates vying for the position: Veronica Ross, of The Opportunity Alliance, and William (Bill) Higgins, of Homeless Voices for Justice. Each has submitted a brief statement, below, for your consideration. Only MCOC member … Continue reading MCOC Tri-Chair Election – Call for VOTES!

Accepting Nominations for MCOC Tri-Chair Position

The Maine Continuum of Care is currently accepting nominations to fill a Tri-Chair position. The MCOC will do their best to maintain equal representation of the three regions (Southern, Central, and Northern) for the tri-chair positions.  Currently we are accepting nominations to fill the remainder of the term for the Region 1 Chair. Standard terms are … Continue reading Accepting Nominations for MCOC Tri-Chair Position

Additional items for today’s MCOC

Vicky Dute from MaineHousing will be discussing the Supportive Housing Repair Program.  The following link will bring you to the guide: http://www.mainehousing.org/docs/default-source/development/2018-supportive-housing-repair-program-guide.pdf And, in preparation for the 2019 Point-In-Time Count, here are a list of Outreach Leads 2019  and a PIT Count Outreach Lead Description- 2019  

The 2018 MCOC NOFA Application and Project Priority Listing

The Maine Continuum of Care Consolidated Application for HUD Homeless Assistance Program Funding and the accompanying Project Priority Listing for 2018 are now complete! Thank you to EVERYONE who worked so hard – whether on the CoC level application, one or more project level applications, participating on committees or in discussions at various meetings – … Continue reading The 2018 MCOC NOFA Application and Project Priority Listing