Reminder: Statewide Homeless Council Meeting 5-13-14

This is a reminder that the Statewide Homeless Council will be meeting on 5-13-14 from 9:30 to 2:00 at MaineHousing, 353 Water Street in Augusta. There is a conference call option for those not able to attend in person. Please follow the link, below, to a copy of the Agenda for more details on this … Continue reading Reminder: Statewide Homeless Council Meeting 5-13-14

Conditional Award Recipients: Issues and Conditions Instructional Guide

HUD requires that all conditionally awarded recipients MUST go through the"Post-Award" process before a grant agreement can be executed. HUD has issued the Issues and Conditions Instructional Guide to provide information about accessing and completing the post-award process for conditionally awarded CoC Program renewal projects. After receiving an e-mail from the local HUD CPD field … Continue reading Conditional Award Recipients: Issues and Conditions Instructional Guide

Updates to the Annual Performance Reports in e-snaps Now Live

HUD has updated the Annual Performance Reports (APRs) in e-snaps. Recipients with a project funded in FY 2012 under the CoC Program will not access the APR in the same way as in the past (through the e-snaps “CoC Full Annual Performance Report” Funding Opportunity). Recipients reporting on FY 2012 grants that enter data into … Continue reading Updates to the Annual Performance Reports in e-snaps Now Live

FY 2013-2014 CoC Program Competition FY 2013 Tier 1 Renewal Projects Award Announcement

Here is the link for HUD funding of renewal projects for Tier 1 only.  HUD has not made announcements on new projects which will be announced when the Tier 2 projects are announced. Please note that there is no date that has been set for Tier 2 announcements. Here is the link to the … Continue reading FY 2013-2014 CoC Program Competition FY 2013 Tier 1 Renewal Projects Award Announcement

Point in Time, Veteran and Unstably Housed Reports are Now Available

The annual Point in Time Count statistics for the Maine Continuum of Care, Portland Continuum of Care and State of Maine are now available for January 29, 2014. 2014 Point in Time Report Maine CoC2014 Point in Time Report Portland CoC 2014 Point in Time Report State of Maine Veterans statistics for shelters are available … Continue reading Point in Time, Veteran and Unstably Housed Reports are Now Available