MaineHousing Homeless Rule

From Cindy Namer, Director of Homeless Initiatives at MaineHousing: Good Afternoon, As discussed at the various stakeholder meetings, Statewide Homeless and Regional Homeless Councils, MaineHousing will be amending the Homeless Rule and has begun the Rulemaking process. The process will include distributing three separate documents that cover sections of the Rule that we will be … Continue reading MaineHousing Homeless Rule

Basic Center and Street Outreach Funding Now Available

The Administration for Children and Families' (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families' (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) will award funding for the Basic Center Program (BCP).  The purpose of the BCP is to provide an alternative for runaway and homeless youth who might otherwise end up with law enforcement or in the child … Continue reading Basic Center and Street Outreach Funding Now Available

Point-in-Time Update – Important

This is an update on the Maine Balance of State Point-in-Time count, which is scheduled to take place tonight - January 28, 2015. For the Maine Balance of State CoC, the PIT count and Housing Inventory process will remain scheduled for today/tonight, January 28th, 2015. Because the storm has presented some challenges, we understand that … Continue reading Point-in-Time Update – Important