MCoC Notification To Project Applicants

This is to inform you that the MCoC met today and voted to include all project applications as part of the CoC Consolidated Application Submission for the FY2015 HUD Competition. There are no project applications that were rejected in this year’s competition and all projects will be included in the Project Priority Listing submission to … Continue reading MCoC Notification To Project Applicants

MCoC Meeting Reminder for Tomorrow’s Meeting 11-4 from 1:00-3:00 pm

The MCoC meeting will occur tomorrow from 1:00-3:00 pm at the various sites listed on the agenda below.  Please come prepared to discuss and vote on the Project Applications Scores as well as work on Sections 3 and 4 of the application questions.  Here is the information for tomorrow's meeting: MCOC-Agenda-11-4-15 DRAFT MCOC Minutes 10-29-15 … Continue reading MCoC Meeting Reminder for Tomorrow’s Meeting 11-4 from 1:00-3:00 pm

2016 Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance Program Funding Allocation Follow Up

Please see the attached memo and spreadsheets for clarification of some of the questions that have come up regarding the allocation. If you have any questions please email Thanks 2016 Shelter Program Funding Memo Nov 2015 2016 Shelter Program Funding Example

2016 Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance Program Guide & Application

 MaineHousing is pleased to announce the 2016 Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance Program Guide and Application is now available.  The document can be accessed here: Any questions regarding the Program Guide or Application should be sent to: Applications are due no later than November 16, 2015 Grantees will need to attend a training … Continue reading 2016 Emergency Shelter and Housing Assistance Program Guide & Application