Save the Date for the Defining “Chronically Homeless” Final Rule Webinar Wed. 1-13-16 1-2:30 pm

On December 4th, HUD released the Final Rule on Defining “Chronically Homeless.” The definition goes into effect on January 4, 2016 and HUD expects all providers operating Permanent Supportive Housing dedicated or prioritized to individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness to use this definition for all new persons admitted to the program after January 15, … Continue reading Save the Date for the Defining “Chronically Homeless” Final Rule Webinar Wed. 1-13-16 1-2:30 pm

2016 PIT Local Outreach Contact Information

Please see the attached list to find out who is organizing Point-in-Time Count Outreach efforts in your area of the state. If there is no one listed for your area, and you or someone  you know might be interested in volunteering to coordinate local PIT outreach, please contact Janice Lara-Hewey (her email is on the … Continue reading 2016 PIT Local Outreach Contact Information

2016 PIT and HIC Trainings

The following webinars have been scheduled for the 2016 Point-in-Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC): 2016 PIT Unsheltered Count Webinars (the two sessions will cover the same material) Thursday, January 14 - 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 20 - 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. This webinar will cover general information on the Unsheltered/Street Count … Continue reading 2016 PIT and HIC Trainings

2016 Point-in-Time Data Collection Forms

The annual Point-in-Time Survey takes place in late January each year. This year, the Maine Continuum of Care and the Portland Continuum of Care, with support from MaineHousing as the Collaborative Applicant and HMIS Lead Agency, will be conducting the Point-in-Time on the night of Wednesday, January 27th, 2016. For the 2016 PIT count, data … Continue reading 2016 Point-in-Time Data Collection Forms

Health Insurance Options Available for Former Foster Youth

(Posted on behalf of Preble Street) Health Insurance Options Available for Former Foster Youth - Maine Marketplace Enrollment Many former foster youth may qualify for affordable health insurance either through Medicaid (MaineCare) or the Maine Marketplace, depending on their unique circumstances. We ask that you partner with us to spread the word about the Affordable … Continue reading Health Insurance Options Available for Former Foster Youth

2015 AHAR Data Quality Report

It’s that time of year again, the time to submit data for the Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR). Because of the NOFA, we had submitted a request to ABT Associates to extend the submission deadline, but unfortunately we were not successful. We had consulted with the CoC chairs about holding off on messaging during the … Continue reading 2015 AHAR Data Quality Report

McKinney-Vento Education Rights

The Maine Continuum of Care is encouraging all homeless service providers working with school aged children to become informed about the educational rights of students guaranteed under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.  Attached are two informational flyers you can post in your program to educate your staff and the clients you serve about the educational … Continue reading McKinney-Vento Education Rights

MCOC Approved Final Project Priority Listing

The MCoC met today and voted to approve the Project Priority Listing for ME-500.  Below is a link to the ME-500 Project Priority Listing that was voted upon today. FINAL MCoC Approved Project Priority Listing 11-12-15 As shared with you last week, on Nov. 4, MCoC voted to include all project applications in the Priority … Continue reading MCOC Approved Final Project Priority Listing