MCOC Call for New and Renewal Project Applications!

The Maine Continuum of Care is pleased to announce that it will be accepting New and Renewal Project Applications in response to HUD's FY2018 Continuum of Care Program Competition NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability), released on June 20, 2018. MCOC was able to bring $12,306,167 to Maine through last year's application. This funding supports projects … Continue reading MCOC Call for New and Renewal Project Applications!

FY 2018 CoC Program Competition: e-snaps is Now Available

FY 2018 CoC Program Competition: e-snaps is Now Available The FY 2018 Continuum of Care (CoC) Consolidated Application (CoC Application and CoC Priority Listing) and project applications are now available in e-snaps. Collaborative Applicants and project applicants can now access the applications to review, update, and enter information that is required for the application process … Continue reading FY 2018 CoC Program Competition: e-snaps is Now Available

2018 Continuum of Care NOFA Released

Earlier today, HUD released the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition and a list of new, changed, and highlighted information. The Final Deadline for the CoC level application is September 18, 2018, meaning individual New and Renewal Project Applications must be submitted to MCoC, … Continue reading 2018 Continuum of Care NOFA Released

Problem Gambling

The materials linked to below were presented at the June 12, 2018 Statewide Homeless Council Meeting.  If you would like more information, or to arrange for an in-house training on this topic, please contact Kristen A. Jiorle, Problem Gambling Services Coordinator AdCare Educational Institute 207 . 626 . 3615 Gambling Resource Document 2017-Self-Exclusion-Sites (for … Continue reading Problem Gambling

Reminder: MCOC Meeting 6-21-18

(new item added below- 6-18-18) This is a reminder that the Maine Continuum of Care will be meeting on Thursday, June 21, 2018 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Please see the agenda for details regarding Tandberg Teleconferencing locations and the call-in number. Other materials to be discussed at the meeting are also attached below. Please … Continue reading Reminder: MCOC Meeting 6-21-18

**Location Change** June 5- Maine HVAC Monthly Steering Meeting

Maine Homeless Veterans Action Committee -Monthly Steering Meeting Where: Lewiston CBOC Mental Health Wing, 15 Challenger Drive, Lewiston & VA Maine at Togus, Room 139B, Building 206, When:  1pm-3pm, Tuesday June 5, 2018 Call in Option:  1-855-871-4157 then 41015# The Maine Homeless Veteran Action Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month to plan implement systemic responses to veteran homelessness.  … Continue reading **Location Change** June 5- Maine HVAC Monthly Steering Meeting