Maine Homeless Policy Committee Meeting Agenda 8/7/15

Below please find the Maine Homeless Policy Committee Meeting Agenda for the meeting today, 8/7/15, along with last month's minutes and the State and Federal Legislation update.  I apologize for the late notice in posting materials. Maine Homeless Policy Committee Agenda 8.7.15 Maine Homeless Policy Committee - Minutes 7.10.15 State and Federal Legislation Update 8.7.2015

CHOM Vacancy Report – July 2015

Below is the most current listing of vacancies at CHOM.   We would appreciate it if you would forward this on to members in your organization who would find it useful.   If you have any questions about the data in the report, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. 7.1.15 CHOM vacancies

Maine Homeless Policy Committee Agenda 6/5/15

Good morning, We have a Maine Homeless Policy Committee call scheduled for 3pm today.  I apologize for the short notice in sending the agenda and related materials. I look forward to speaking with you later this afternoon. Thank you. 1-605-475-4350 Access Code:  810236# Maine Homeless Policy Committee Agenda 6.5.15 State and Federal Legislation Update 6.2015 … Continue reading Maine Homeless Policy Committee Agenda 6/5/15