FY 2022 CoC Program Competition Webinar – August 11, 2022 – 2:30 PM EDT

This information was originally distributed via HUD.gov. HUD Exchange is redistributing the information for awareness. On August 1, 2022, the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition was posted on Grants.gov.To help CoCs and applicants successfully complete the application process, HUD is sponsoring a webinar … Continue reading FY 2022 CoC Program Competition Webinar – August 11, 2022 – 2:30 PM EDT

The Maine Continuum of Care is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Fiscal Year 2022 CoC NOFO Competition!

2022-MCOC-RFP-NoticeDownload This is the regular annual CoC competition, separate from the recently announced “Supplemental” NOFO – these two application processes are running concurrently. The Maine Continuum of Care (MCoC) invites interested eligible agencies, including agencies that have not previously received CoC grants, to apply for funding to create housing and related services for those experiencing … Continue reading The Maine Continuum of Care is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Fiscal Year 2022 CoC NOFO Competition!

Statewide Homeless Council Meeting July 12, 2022

This is a reminder the Maine Statewide Homeless Council will be meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 from 9:30 to 12:30. This is a virtual meeting - the link and call-in information are on the Agenda, below. Prior minutes and other related materials are also attached. See you there! SHC-Agenda-7.12.22Download 6.2022-SHC-Minutes-DRAFTDownload State-and-Federal-Legislation-Update-6.22.22-1Download SHC-6-month-strategy-discussion-for-2022-6.14.22Download

HUD Issues CPD Notice: Expedited Regulatory Waivers for the ESG, CoC, YHDP, and HOPWA Programs

Today, HUD issued a notice advising recipients of ESG, CoC, YHDP, and HOPWA Program funds that they may apply for certain regulatory waivers through an expedited process to help recipients and subrecipients prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to facilitate assistance to eligible communities and households economically impacted by COVID-19. Use of the expedited waiver process only … Continue reading HUD Issues CPD Notice: Expedited Regulatory Waivers for the ESG, CoC, YHDP, and HOPWA Programs

Maine Continuum of Care Point-in-Time and Housing Inventory Reports from the HUD Data Exchange.

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is a "snapshot" of how many people are experiencing homelessness within a specific area on one night of the year. For the Maine Continuum of Care, that area covers the entire state of Maine, and January 25, 2022 was chosen as the night of the count. A Housing Inventory Count (HIC) … Continue reading Maine Continuum of Care Point-in-Time and Housing Inventory Reports from the HUD Data Exchange.