FY 2013-2014 CoC Program Competition FY 2013 Tier 1 Renewal Projects Award Announcement

Here is the link for HUD funding of renewal projects for Tier 1 only.  HUD has not made announcements on new projects which will be announced when the Tier 2 projects are announced. Please note that there is no date that has been set for Tier 2 announcements. http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=87d7c8afc03ba69ee70d865b9&id=0f79a73f32&e=93d518d2bb Here is the link to the … Continue reading FY 2013-2014 CoC Program Competition FY 2013 Tier 1 Renewal Projects Award Announcement

Point in Time, Veteran and Unstably Housed Reports are Now Available

The annual Point in Time Count statistics for the Maine Continuum of Care, Portland Continuum of Care and State of Maine are now available for January 29, 2014. 2014 Point in Time Report Maine CoC2014 Point in Time Report Portland CoC 2014 Point in Time Report State of Maine Veterans statistics for shelters are available … Continue reading Point in Time, Veteran and Unstably Housed Reports are Now Available

MCOC Meeting 3-20-14

This is a reminder that the Maine Continuum of Care will be meeting on Thursday,  March 20, 2014 via  the Library Tandberg Teleconferencing system.  Please see the meeting agenda for location details. There will be a SPECIAL AD HOC GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE meeting from noon to 1:00 using the same Library Tandberg Teleconferencing locations as the … Continue reading MCOC Meeting 3-20-14

Basic Center and Street Outreach Program Funding Available

The Family and Youth Services Bureau is now accepting applications for the Basic Center Program and the Street Outreach Program.  The Basic Center Program funds community-based programs that address the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth and their families. Basic center projects aim to increase young people's safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency, and to help them build … Continue reading Basic Center and Street Outreach Program Funding Available

Request for Proposals: Project Based Vouchers

MaineHousing's Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Department has issued a request for proposals from qualified applicants in response to a national competition to award up to 1000 VASH vouchers to selected public housing authorities.  The purpose of this allocation is to enable homeless veterans to access affordable housing with an array of supportive services.  The RFP … Continue reading Request for Proposals: Project Based Vouchers

MCOC Minutes from 2-20-14, Tandberg Sites, and Ad Hoc info

Please click on the link, below, to review the minutes from the 2-20-14 MCOC Meeting (Thank you Paula!). There are also links to two lists of Tandberg Teleconferencing sites; one for Library locations, and one for School locations, to facilitate discussion of adding more connections for MCOC meetings.  (The Tandberg system does not have a … Continue reading MCOC Minutes from 2-20-14, Tandberg Sites, and Ad Hoc info