2014 CoC Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Reports Posted

2014 CoC Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Reports Posted HUD has posted the 2014 Continuum of Care (CoC) Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Reports on the HUD Exchange. These reports provide a snapshot of a CoC’s HIC, an inventory of housing conducted annually during the last ten days in January, and are available at the national and state level, as well … Continue reading 2014 CoC Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Reports Posted

2015 Home to Stay Request for Proposals Announcement

MaineHousing is pleased to announce the continuation of the Home to Stay Program for 2015. MaineHousing has an allocation of Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds to be used for housing relocation and stabilization services that will be provided in order to rapidly re-house individuals and families who are living in shelters and on the streets … Continue reading 2015 Home to Stay Request for Proposals Announcement

CoC Dashboard Report is available from HUD

Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Assistance Programs Dashboard Reports show claimed geography and geographic coverage changes for the previous two program years and also include information on each CoC’s awards by award amount, program type, and renewal type. The reports contain summary data from the Point-in-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC), which provide a quick overview … Continue reading CoC Dashboard Report is available from HUD

Maine Consolidated Plan 2015-2019

The Maine Consolidated Plan 2015-2019 (for CDBG, HOME and ESG) including the 2015 Annual Action Plan is available for public comment. Here is the link: http://www.mainehousing.org/news/public-notices//maine-consolidated-plan-2015-2019 Both MaineHousing and the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development are accepting comments on the plan.  The comment period ends on November 17, 2014

IMPORTANT Notice to Project Applicants for the FY2014 NOFA Competition

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL PROJECT APPLICANTS: Yesterday, the Maine CoC met and determined that all project applications will be included as part of the CoC Priority Listing Submissions for the FY2014 NOFA Application. No project applications were rejected by the MCOC. The MCOC did not finalize the ranking and tiering of projects and has scheduled … Continue reading IMPORTANT Notice to Project Applicants for the FY2014 NOFA Competition