Portland Continuum of Care HUD Application and Project Listing

The following links will access the FINAL PCOC FY2016 HUD COC Application and the accompanying 2016 PCOC Project Priority Listing.  Once HUD announces their Scoring and Awards information, it will be posted here on the Maine Homeless Planning site. Thank you to everyone involved in this year's process - your input, feedback, dedication, and attention … Continue reading Portland Continuum of Care HUD Application and Project Listing

Continuum of Care Application Selection

Congratulations Continuum of Care Applicants! This is to inform you that both the Portland Continuum of Care and the Maine Continuum of Care Steering Committee have reviewed the summary of applications requesting funding this year. There are NO project applications that were rejected in this year’s competition and ALL projects will be included in the … Continue reading Continuum of Care Application Selection

HUD Seeks Comments on Possible New PPRN Formulas

HUD is requesting comment on proposed new Preliminary Pro-Rata Need formulas - this is the formula they use to determine Continuum of Care funding levels. MaineHousing has examined the 4 proposed options and provided some analysis in the attached PowerPoint. The original Notice from the Federal Register is also attached, and contains more detailed information … Continue reading HUD Seeks Comments on Possible New PPRN Formulas

DRAFT NOFA Applications

The following links are for DRAFT versions of the 2016 Continuum of Care Applications for the Maine and Portland Continuums.  These are being posted to keep everyone informed of the progress on the applications and to facility discussion at upcoming meetings. DRAFT MCOC NOFA Application 8-17-16 DRAFT PCOC NOFA Application 8-17-16

Access to Federally Funded Life-Saving Services and Housing for Immigrants

  HUD, DOJ, and HHS Release Joint Letter Providing Information Regarding Access to Federally Funded Life-Saving Services and Housing for Immigrants Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a joint letter reminding recipients of federal … Continue reading Access to Federally Funded Life-Saving Services and Housing for Immigrants