Maine VA 2K

The Flyer attached here is for the Togus event. Other locations are listed on the  Statewide Info sheet. Please also take at look at the Wish List if you would like to contribute in this way. Togus 2018 VA2K Flyer VA2K Statewide Info  2018 VA2K Donations Wish List  2018

Regional Homeless Council Coordinated Entry Training

The next Region 1 Homeless Council meeting will be from 1-3pm on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, at the City of Portland General Assistance office in the Back Bay conference room - AND via "Go To Webinar". This meeting will be primarily devoted to a Coordinated Entry training for ALL of the Regional Homeless Councils.  Please … Continue reading Regional Homeless Council Coordinated Entry Training

Reminder: MCOC 4-19-18 CE Training

The April 19th MCOC Meeting will be entirely devoted to a Training on the Maine Coordinated Entry System!!! If there are people at your agency who do not ordinarily attend MCOC, but will be working with or have an interest in Maine’s Coordinated Entry System, please share this information with them and encourage them to … Continue reading Reminder: MCOC 4-19-18 CE Training

MCOC Coordinated Entry Training 4-19-18

The MCOC Meeting scheduled for April 19, 2018 from 1:00 to 3:00 will be entirely devoted to a Coordinated Entry Training. If there is someone at your agency who will be involved in the Coordinated Entry process who does not ordinarily attend MCOC, please make sure they are aware of this training opportunity - we … Continue reading MCOC Coordinated Entry Training 4-19-18