MCOC: After Action Review (AAR) for Coordinated Entry

During the MCOC Meeting tomorrow, Leah will be conducting an abbreviated version of the After Action Review (AAR) that was part of our recent ESHAP Navigator Training. The purpose of the AAR is to evaluate and learn from feedback provided by those who have direct experience with a project, process or event. The information and … Continue reading MCOC: After Action Review (AAR) for Coordinated Entry

Prolonged Exposure Therapy Training for Providers who Treat Veterans

The PTSD Consultation Program at the National Center for PTSD is providing FREE TRAINING AND CONSULTATION IN PROLONGED EXPOSURE THERAPY FOR PTSD in northern New England.  Weekly follow-up phone consultation will also be available at no charge to eligible providers.  Materials and continuing education credits will be provided. A Save-the-Date flyer is attached and available … Continue reading Prolonged Exposure Therapy Training for Providers who Treat Veterans

December SHC Meeting – Different Location!!!

This is a reminder that the Statewide Homeless Council will be meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 from 9:30 to 2:00 at the Maine State Library, located at 230 State Street in Augusta, ME (NOT at MaineHousing).  Please see the agenda for details, including a call-in number for those not able to attend in person. … Continue reading December SHC Meeting – Different Location!!!

CE Triage and Diversion “Pause”

Dear Coordinated Entry Participant, On behalf of the CE Subcommittee, after much deliberation and listening to CES partners, the CoC Board has approved a “pause” in the Triage and Diversion portion of Coordinated Entry. This pause will provide time to build a better system coupling what we learned with this experience with emerging best practices. … Continue reading CE Triage and Diversion “Pause”

NAEH Webinar: Low Barrier, Housing Focused Shelter

NAEH Emergency Shelter Learning Series “Getting Your Board on Board with Low-Barrier, Housing Focused Shelter.” Making the shift to adopt housing first, low-barrier, and housing-focused shelter practices can be both exciting and scary, especially for your Board of Directors. Boards have many duties and responsibilities paramount among them is fundraising, advocacy, and community-building. Supporting operational … Continue reading NAEH Webinar: Low Barrier, Housing Focused Shelter

VAWA Housing Protections – Implementation within ESG and CoC Programs Webinar

All ESG & CoC funded programs are strongly encouraged to attend. Please join HUD and CSH to discuss the implementation of HUD’s Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Final Rule in Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and Continuum of Care (CoC) Programs. The VAWA Final Rule expands housing protections for survivors of domestic abuse, dating violence, sexual … Continue reading VAWA Housing Protections – Implementation within ESG and CoC Programs Webinar