MaineHousing and MCOC NAEH Conference Scholarships Available

The intent of this Conference Scholarship is to ensure that Maine is well represented at such events by a broad and diverse group of people who can bring a combination of personal and professional experience to the discussion. This Scholarship is open to people with lived experience of homelessness in Maine, as well as to … Continue reading MaineHousing and MCOC NAEH Conference Scholarships Available

Accepting Nominations for MCOC Tri-Chair Position

The Maine Continuum of Care is accepting nominations to fill a recently vacated Tri-Chair position. The MCOC will do their best to maintain equal representation of the three regions (Southern, Central, and Northern) for the tri-chair positions. Currently we are accepting nominations to fill the remainder of the term for the Region 1 Chair. Standard … Continue reading Accepting Nominations for MCOC Tri-Chair Position

Technical Difficulties

We had a problem with the call in option for today's MCOC meeting. If you attempted to call in but were unable to connect please let me know via email to stibbitts@ and you will be marked as having attended. Very sorry for the inconvenience and frustration.

Addiction Services 101: What Is Your Agency’s Overdose Plan?

Free Webinar Wednesday, April 17, 1:30 – 2:30 Eastern Time Click Here to Register This free webinar will raise awareness about risk factors that contribute to overdose death, and explore the program policies and practices that can address them. It will highlight administrative tools and engagement techniques that can help supportive housing programs prevent and respond … Continue reading Addiction Services 101: What Is Your Agency’s Overdose Plan?

Safety Planning with Women Experiencing Homelessness

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council will be presenting a webinar on March 27, 2019 exploring the importance of safety planning and how violence affects the lives of women without homes. Learn how you can improve services for women experiencing homelessness through trauma-informed, quality care. Women and families are the fastest-growing segments of … Continue reading Safety Planning with Women Experiencing Homelessness