HUD FAQ Match and Leverage

Attached you will find FAQ and answers from HUD. HUDExchange FAQ Match If you have any further questions on match or leveraging, please feel free to contact me at

General Assistance Training for Southern Maine

Maine Continuum of Care and Portland Continuum of Care Presents Understanding General Assistance Guest Speakers: Ellen Moore Maine DHHS General Assistance Field Examiner And David MacLean Social Services Division Director, City of Portland   Wednesday, July 13th, 10-12 City of Portland Building, 196 Lancaster Street   This will be a combination general overview of state … Continue reading General Assistance Training for Southern Maine

Outline Notes for Match vs. Leveraging

Attached you will find outline notes for a brief match vs. leveraging presentation to occur during the July MCoC meeting. As you read over these notes, please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.   Steve Match - Leveraging Notes